Jan 26, 2011

My Art Work

(um al3baeah) (A4)acrilic on cansen
Baghdadyat (A4)acrilic colors on cansen paper

the windi door (A4)acrilec color on cansen paper
Baghdadi (20x30) poster colors on cansin paper


  1. Hi Noof! I just love your art! The one called Baghdadyat is my favorite; and the yellow design on the purple background is very stylish. Have you thought of making fabric with the same design? I think some of them might make wonderful clothing or purses. Let me know when you open your first store - I'll be there! Miss you!

  2. Hi Olga thank you so much am happy that you like it well when i open my store you will be the first one how inter it :) (are you coming in the reunion on March) miss you too so much

  3. hi noof ,, how are you ,, im also really intersted in your artworks ,, i wish you all the best in your life ,, god bless you ,, i wish that we can be friends you look like very nice person ,, cya
