Jun 6, 2012

We & Them

There is an Iraqi quote says "me and my brother against my cousin and me and my cousin against the stranger"I think all the Iraqis raised on that quote...so I was raised to be Iraqi first and then I'm Arab I don't remember that someone talks to me about how to be human... no act like Iraqi and then act like Arab so the world for me it's two half there is Us and there is Them and of curse I'm not spouse to talk with the Them side that makes me always think in the other side or how I should be living on that side "the grass is greaner there" until I got the chance to be in an exchange program took me to the (them) side and my shuck was they are just like us and then I got an AHA moment when I realized that there is no such a thing call we and them it's all of us ...on that moment I understanded my humanti...the point is don't ever let any one decide for you  and it's about time to change its now what the world call it "the youth awakening " and yeah it's about time to try to speake at loud I think this is the most important massage I got from a youth form under the name of (next generation speaks) there was alots of young people from all over the world speaking about the youth and their problems ...their life...and how to work together as youth.
