Feb 20, 2011

Iam Iraqi \انا عراقي

الى من نطلق على انفسنا شباب العراق ...تذكروا دوما من انتم ومن اين انتم
ولا تدعوا يوما احدا ينسيكم من انتم ومن اين انتم ....فانتم من العراق الذي
حينمارغب ان اعرفكم عنه لا اعلم ماذا اقول فهو موجود منذ الاف السنين
فهو من اجتمع على ارضه ادم وحواء
هو موطن ابراهيم
هو من نص اولى القوانين
ومن طينه كتبت اولى الكلمات
هو بالنسبه لي نخله استفيء بضلها وارتوي من مياة انهاره
هو وطني ....هو عراقي .

To Us who we call ourself as the youth of Iraq
Always remember who you are and the land you are from
And don’t ever let any one make you forget who you are and the land you are from
You are from Iraq
When I want to intrudes it I don’t know what to say because he is there since thousands of years
He is the land that Adam and eve met in it
He is the one that write the first law in the world
And from his mud the first words had been written
He is for me a palm tree I seat in her shadow and I drink water from his rivers
He is my country ….he is my Iraq

Feb 8, 2011

Obama’s dreams are not the dreams of a young Iraqi girl

Obama in one of his speaches

Yesterday, I received a letter from a friend and responded immediately.
My reply was quick, full of passion and without necessarily a lot of reflection.
I am young and ambitious, the age of roses still in me, 20 years old but I know that I am an IRAQI, IRAQI, IRAQI

And all Iraqi have stopped dreaming for some time

And they decided to live in the land of graveyards…and left their dreams behind.
Because I am an Iraqi, my father gave me a generator repair kit for my 14th birthday…so I have to take care of the generator
My dreams are elusive, but at fourteen, I am dreaming that the generator will keep working.
I dream to sleep without pain killers
I dream to wake up in a home gives me love and hope not to end of in a grave…

I dream to drink tea without the authorities watching and snatching our dreams and cutting our necks in the name of “honor”

I dream to open my zverp in the air

I dream to run for an hour in an area full of green grass

I dream to lose some weight and not live my life with pain

My dreams are gone my friend.

And here is my letter and his letter.  

It comes in a speech of that Obama gave to American youth. He told them to dream high and far. How the son of a worker dreamed to be the President and leader of the most powerful country in the world. 

For us, he wants us to dream big

And we can’t be poor because we are dreaming
I am dreaming to lead a biggest culture movement in Iraq
And to get Nobel Prize in Literature and Alantherbolujea
I dream to be the secretary of the Arab Lego
And the secretary of the UN
  Cultural critic and poet

My friend did dreamed many big dreams
But our dreams killed by shots fired by people we don’t know
If you are dreaming to be the secretary of the UN
I dream that my home will reappear
Because my friend now stands in my home but without home
Because my friend is not a home without the faces in the home
And here I am carrying the keys of the people that have now left us and put their pictures here and there  maybe it will be make me feel what is left from my country.
